Kosaka-jinja Shrine (上坂神社)

Kosaka-jinja Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Higashikozaka-cho, Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture. It is Kokushi genzaisha (shrines not listed in the registers but mentioned in the Six National Histories). It is also called Kamisakata-gu Shrine. It was a prefectural shrine in the old classification of shrines.

The enshrined deity

Susano no mikoto

The crest for the shrine


According to the shrine's biography, it was built in 266 B.C. It is the soja (representative shrine) of Kamisakata area. According to "Sandai jitsuroku (a history book written in the Heian period)," the shrine was given Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) in 875. It is Kokushi genzaisha (shrines not listed in the registers but mentioned in the Six National Histories). It was venerated by the Kyogoku clan, Nobunaga ODA and Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI. It was listed as sonsha (village shrine) in 1876 and kensha (prefectural shrine) in 1923.


Reisai (regular festival), April 20

Sokohi Festival

Shrines in the precincts

Nagareoka-jinja Shrine

[Original Japanese]